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I directed 4 of the 12 videos for the day one opening at the AT&T Headquarters in Dallas, Texas. Of the 5 directors on this project I was the only one to go on site at the end of the project. I spent a month integrating over 20 hours of content and speaking remotely to my co-directors and creatives during reviews.

For the 5 minute pre-rendered show piece, I titled "Digital Double", I and had the honor of flying in the incredible Sadeck Waff to dance and choreograph the piece. Not only did we film on greenscreen, composite into 3d scenes, and animate an over head projector, we also had to consider the rest of the plaza which had surround sound, contained thousands of LED lights, floor plane lights, and a 12' connected sphere inspired by the AT&T logo.

The other challenging piece I directed was a transition between content that created the optical illusion that the screen disappeared. The way we achieved this effect is by taking dozens of photo references, 360 photos, and 3d modelling the entire facade as close as we could. We then color corrected live on the building from the hotel across the street. 

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